Cyber Security

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What is Cyber Security?

Cybersecurity is the proactive Defense of computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data against malevolent attacks, also known as information technology security or electronic information security. This encompasses various domains, from business to mobile computing, and can be categorized into different areas:

  • Network Security: This involves securing computer networks from potential intruders, whether they are targeted attackers or opportunistic malware.

  • Application Security: The focus here is on maintaining the integrity of software and devices, ensuring they are devoid of threats. The emphasis starts at the design stage and continues through deployment to prevent compromised applications from exposing protected data.

  • Information Security: This entails preserving the confidentiality and privacy of data, both in storage and during transit.

  • Operational Security: This domain covers the processes and decisions governing the handling and protection of data assets, including user permissions and protocols for storing or sharing data.

  • Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity: This refers to the strategies an organization employs in response to a cybersecurity incident or any other event causing operational or data loss. Disaster recovery policies dictate the restoration of operations, while business continuity plans guide operation in the absence of specific resources.

  • End-User Education: This aspect focuses on educating users to minimize the human factor in cybersecurity, teaching practices such as avoiding suspicious email attachments and refraining from plugging in unidentified USB drives.

The global cyber threat landscape is evolving rapidly, marked by an increasing number of data breaches each year. A report revealed a staggering 7.9 billion records exposed in the first nine months of 2019 alone, doubling the figure from the same period in 2018.

Recent cybersecurity threats include the Dridex malware, a financial trojan, romance scams exploiting dating platforms, and the Emotet malware, a sophisticated trojan. Endpoint security, directed at individual users, relies on cryptographic protocols, real-time malware detection, and consistent software updates.

To shield against cyber threats, individuals and businesses are advised to adhere to these cybersecurity best practices:

  1. Keep Software and Operating Systems Updated: Regularly apply the latest security patches for enhanced protection.

  2. Utilize Anti-Virus Software: Employ reliable security solutions that detect and eliminate potential threats.

  3. Craft Strong Passwords: Develop passwords that are not easily decipherable.

  4. Exercise Caution with Email Attachments: Refrain from opening attachments from unknown senders, as they may contain malware.

  5. Exercise Caution with Email Links: Avoid clicking on links in emails from unfamiliar senders or questionable websites, as this is a common method for malware distribution.

  6. Steer Clear of Unsecured Public WiFi Networks: Using unsecured networks in public places can expose users to threats such as man-in-the-middle attacks.

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